Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo 2025
March 14: Total Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) in Virgo
“The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.”
— Flannery O’Connor
On March 14 at 2:54 AM EDT, Total Lunar Eclipse at 23°57' Virgo.
The Moon enters Virgo on March 12, tightening its grip, sharpening its focus. Virgo separates signal from noise. This Eclipse Season began with the New Moon on February 27 and runs through April 21. Eclipses warp time, and shift the course of events in ways you can’t yet see. What’s in motion now is still unfolding. Rushing into decisions before April 21 is like trying to sculpt mist.
Eclipses bring fated events, sudden shifts, and doors closing permanently. This one is particularly potent. It’s the second eclipse in a series along the Virgo-Pisces axis (2024-2027), continuing a storyline that began with the Pisces Lunar Eclipse on September 17, 2024.
Virgo is precision, order, and function. Pisces is fluidity, chaos, and transcendence. This eclipse asks us to balance the two; to integrate the dream with the tangible, to surrender while still keeping our feet on the ground.
What is being revealed? What structures must shift? What illusions must fall away? Expect major revelations in the areas of health, work, daily routines, and spiritual integration. The Virgo Moon is relentlessly practical, and under its light, we will see exactly what needs to change.
This is a breaking point disguised as a breakthrough. This is the kind of astrology that demands trust. Not in certainty, but in the unfolding. Pisces Sun, Saturn pressing close. Neptune at the threshold, 29 degrees, the last breath before the abyss. This is not a dream. This is consequence. The last time you stood here, you had illusions to cling to. Now? Just the raw truth, stripped bare. The story you’ve been telling yourself - about who you are, about what you can endure -falters under the weight of its own contradictions.
Mercury. Ruler of Virgo, ruler of the Eclipse, highly exalted in Aries but at a dead stop, halting only 24 hours later, before turning back. Whatever happens now will not be the final version. Decisions made will be undone and rewritten. Conversations will echo, revealing their true meaning later. Mercury aligns with an exalted, retrograde Venus in Aries and sextiles Jupiter in Gemini - reminding us that what we desire, what we value, and how we communicate those truths are all in flux. This is a moment of confusion. Something is ending, something is beginning, but the transition won’t be obvious, not yet. Not until Mercury retrogrades and shows us what we missed.
Jupiter in Gemini, words expanding and multiplying, but do they mean anything? Mercury in Aries, blunt, impatient. You could say something. You could say everything. Would it change what needs to be faced?
Chiron, 21 Aries. The wound that does not close. The place where you keep returning, like a tongue to a broken tooth. The wound does not define you, but the way you carry it does. You cannot keep living in the echo of an injury.
Pluto in Aquarius, still near the gate. Revolution is inevitable, but slow. You want finality. You want a clean break. Pluto does not grant that mercy. Change will come, but it will not be neat. It will not be comfortable. You will not leave this eclipse unmarked.
Uranus, 24 degrees Taurus, rattling the foundations. If you haven’t made the change willingly, it will be made for you. Venus and Mars, both caught in their own entanglements, one eager, one hesitant. The heart and the body want different things. Which do you listen to?
Lilith at 28 Libra. The rejection of pleasing. This eclipse asks: who are you when you stop trying to be digestible? What happens when you stand in your own darkness and do not apologize?
And then there’s the axis. The North Node at 27 Pisces, the South Node at 27 Virgo. The known, the unknown. The familiar patterns, the dissolution of them. The past calls, begging for resolution, for comfort, for routine. The future stands before you, liquid and uncertain. You already know what needs to be done. The eclipse simply forces your hand.
This is the crossroads. This is the point of no return. The shadows only look ominous because you have been staring at the light too long. Let the darkness settle. Let it show you what is real. And when the Moon emerges again, it will not be the world that has changed. It will be you.
March 15: Mercury Retrograde in Aries. A Second Look
Just a day after the eclipse, Mercury stations retrograde at 9° Aries. The fiery momentum we’ve built suddenly stalls. This is not a time to push forward but to go back.
Mercury Rx in Aries revisits battles, reopens old wounds, and forces us to rethink impulsive decisions. This retrograde asks us to go back over our words, our decisions, our impulses. To make sure what we’ve started is actually what we want.
What words need to be retracted? What ideas need refining? What actions need reconsideration?
This retrograde will extend until April 7, after which Mercury will move back into Pisces on April 16 for a final dive into intuition before fully exiting Aries on May 10. That means whatever comes up now will take time to sort itself out. By April 16, Mercury will retreat into Pisces, bringing a final opportunity to process, reflect, and approach things from a more intuitive lens. But by May 10, when Mercury finally exits its post-retrograde shadow, we’ll be moving forward with full clarity on what we truly mean vs. what was just heat in the moment. Take your time. Slow down. Think before you speak. Because what’s said now will be remembered later.
♈️ Aries
The collapse comes first. This eclipse falls in your 6th house of work, health, and daily survival. The place where effort meets exhaustion. You’re being asked to look, really look, at what you’ve built. What structures keep you moving, and which ones are quietly breaking you down? If you’ve been running on fumes, this is the moment your body calls it. A project, a job, or a routine may be reaching its breaking point. Virgo is not sentimental, it tells you what’s working and what’s not. Something has to give. If you’re collapsing under the weight of what you’ve built, the question isn’t whether to keep going. It's why you would harm yourself by wanting to do so doing so. Why did it take a total collapse for you to finally start listening to your body?
Lilith in Libra sits in your 7th house of relationships, contracts, and agreements, demanding balance. Where have you been carrying the weight for others, doing the invisible labor, working twice as hard for half the credit? Where have you kept things “fair” at the cost of your own well-being? This eclipse is about who benefits from your exhaustion. Why have you let yourself be overworked and run down. Virgo thrives in service, but service is not servitude. If the scale is tipped, stop being the counterweight.
♉️ Taurus
This is the end of an old dream. The things that once lit you up don’t burn the same way anymore. This eclipse lands in your 5th house of creativity, romance, and pleasure, asking: is this still yours? A passion project might be wrapping up. A relationship may no longer fit. Virgo demands efficiency, and efficiency means cutting what no longer serves. The thing about dreams is that some of them expire. Some of them belonged to an older version of you. If the dream has ended, it's time to wake up.
Lilith in Libra activates your 6th house of work and routine, exposing where joy has been turned into obligation. Where has pleasure become a performance? Where have you kept creating, giving, or working at something out of duty rather than desire? If it doesn’t inspire you anymore, you don’t have to keep pretending that it does.
♊️ Gemini
Everything you’ve built yourself around is shifting. Your 4th house of home, family, and emotional security is shaking under this eclipse. The past isn’t letting you off the hook. A family story you thought you had outgrown may be making its way back to the surface. A living situation may be shifting. The structures you’ve relied on are no longer stable, and Virgo will not let you pretend otherwise. If something is coming undone, let it. You are being shown exactly what needs to change.
Lilith in Libra stirs your 5th house of self-expression and authenticity, exposing where you’ve silenced parts of yourself to keep the peace. How much of your identity has been shaped by what others needed you to be? You cannot move forward if you are still bound to expectations that don’t fit. The past has shaped you, but it does not have to define you. Let the old structure fall. Let the story unravel. Build something that finally feels like home.
♋️ Cancer
There are words that can't be taken back. This eclipse cuts through your 3rd house of communication, perception, and truth. The conversation you’ve been avoiding? It’s already at your lips, burning in your throat, demanding release. You can’t hold it in forever. You can’t unsee what you now know. Whether you speak or stay silent, the truth is coming out, one way or another.
Lilith in Libra activates your 4th house of family and emotional roots, forcing you to confront the ways you’ve been keeping quiet to keep the peace. The unspoken tension, the buried resentment, the truths you’ve swallowed just to keep the peace, they are all rising to the surface now. How much of yourself have you censored for the comfort of others? How many times have you bitten your tongue to avoid an argument? Silence is not safety. Say it. Or don’t. But know that either way, the silence won’t save you.
♌️ Leo
What are you clinging to for security that’s actually keeping you trapped? Eclipses are cosmic course corrections, and this one lands in your 2nd house of money, resources, and self-worth, forcing you to look at where you’ve mistaken security for stagnation.
Virgo is surgical in its clarity. It doesn’t just point out the problem, it removes what no longer functions. If your financial situation feels unstable, if your sense of worth has been tied to external validation, if the structures that once made you feel safe now feel like constraints, this is where the illusion falls apart. You may experience an abrupt financial shift, an ending in your professional life, or a deep internal realization that your definition of success has been built on something that no longer serves you. And then there’s Lilith in your 3rd house of voice and intellect, sharpening your edges, daring you to stop filtering yourself. Where have you swallowed your words just to keep the peace? Where have you agreed to things that hollow you out, just to avoid confrontation? The eclipse will strip away whatever is false. You can let it go willingly, or you can cling to it and let it fall apart in your hands. Either way, it’s leaving.
♍️ Virgo
This eclipse is yours. It lands in your 1st house of identity, embodiment, and presence, making it impossible to deny what you’ve already felt, you have changed. Now, the external must match the internal. You are not who you were six months ago. You already know this. Why? Why are you still pretending?
Lilith in Libra activates your 2nd house of value, forcing you to see where you’ve settled for less. Where have you allowed others to define your worth? Where have you taken crumbs when you deserved the feast? This eclipse won’t let you shrink yourself anymore. You are done making yourself small. Done waiting to be chosen. Done proving your worth. You're just done.
♎️ Libra
Some ghosts don't die. This eclipse drags you back into the depths of your 12th house: endings, closure, the subconscious cycles you swore you broke. But some things don’t die just because you stop looking at them. Something you thought was over is resurfacing, demanding resolution. This is the final act, the last confrontation. You don’t get to bypass it this time.
And then there’s Lilith in your 1st house, tearing down the performance, ripping off the mask. The version of you that played nice, kept quiet, made yourself digestible for the comfort of others? She’s done. You are no longer here to be palatable. You are here to be whole. Some people won’t like this version of you. Let them choke on it.
♏️ Scorpio
This eclipse strikes at the heart of your 11th house of friendships, alliances, and long-term vision. Some people cannot come with you into the next chapter. Some dreams you’ve been chasing no longer belong to you. Virgo doesn’t deal in nostalgia. It filters. It refines. It removes. If a relationship, an ambition, or a community has been draining you, this eclipse makes the cut for you. No second chances. No soft landings.
Lilith in Libra moves through your 12th house, bringing secrets to the surface, dragging old wounds into the light. Where have you been keeping yourself hidden? Who have you been protecting at your own expense? It’s not just about severing ties with others, it’s about severing ties with the version of you that stayed quiet. This is why the eclipse is relentless. There is no more room for self-betrayal.
♐️ Sagittarius
You’ve been climbing, pushing forward, chasing a vision of success you thought was yours. But this Virgo Eclipse in your 10th house shows you the truth: the peak you were striving for might be a dead end. The title, the path, the ambition that once felt like destiny? It may have been a detour. A role you’ve outgrown. A script that was never yours to begin with. The illusion of certainty crumbles under Virgo’s scalpel, leaving only what is real, what actually matters, what still holds weight.
Meanwhile, Lilith in Libra sears through your 11th house, shaking the foundation of your future vision. Have you been chasing approval instead of purpose? Have you shaped your ambitions around being accepted rather than being free? This eclipse reminds you that success isn’t about status, accolades, or applause—it’s about who you become in the pursuit. If the path you’re on doesn’t lead to liberation, it’s not your path. Burn the map. Find your own way.
♑️ Capricorn
This Virgo Eclipse in your 9th house dismantles the architecture of your beliefs. Expect the things you once felt certain about: your worldview, your career trajectory, your long-term goals, even your faith in certain people or systems to suddenly feel unstable, questionable, or completely false. What you thought was permanent was only a placeholder. This is a crisis of faith, not in the divine, but in the structures that have shaped your thinking. The story you’ve been telling yourself no longer makes sense. So now what?
Lilith in Libra moves through your 10th house of career and public standing, demanding a reckoning. Have you been performing success instead of defining it on your own terms? Have you followed the rules, climbed the ranks, played the part, only to realize that the role was never truly yours? This is where the mask cracks. You cannot unsee what you now know. Truth is no longer theoretical, it’s the foundation of everything you build from here. And if the structure can’t withstand it, it was never meant to hold you.
♒️ Aquarius
This Virgo Eclipse in your 8th house is a severance, a final transaction, a debt: emotional, financial, or spiritual, that is being paid in full. A tie that has held you in place is breaking. A dynamic that once defined you is dissolving. The agreements you made, knowingly or not, have reached their expiration date. Virgo does not deal in sentimentality. It does not mourn what no longer serves. It cuts cleanly, efficiently. Whatever is being removed from your life now was never meant to be permanent. Let it go before it drags you under.
Lilith in Libra moves through your 9th house of beliefs and direction. Have you been following a path because it was yours, or because it was expected of you? Have you been holding onto an ideology, a philosophy, a version of reality simply because you stopped questioning? The dream you’ve been chasing might feel off now. You may question your purpose, your goals, or what success even means to you. This eclipse demands liberation. Not the comfortable kind, but the kind that leaves you standing on the edge of the unknown. Your only job is to stop resisting, and start questioning.
♓️ Pisces
This Virgo Eclipse in your 7th house, this is a hard reset on the way you give, receive, and define partnership. If a relationship has been built on wishful thinking, avoidance, or unspoken resentment, this eclipse rips the veil away. You cannot keep pretending. You cannot keep hoping that things will change if you are unwilling to change them. The terms are no longer negotiable. Something must shift, or something must end.
Lilith in Libra slashes through your 8th house of intimacy and power, exposing the quiet ways you have surrendered yourself. Where have you mistaken devotion for depletion? Where have you compromised your autonomy in the name of love? You do not have to disappear to be held. You do not have to lose yourself to keep someone close. Love is not a debt to be repaid. Love is not a battlefield where you must fight to be seen. If you are constantly proving your worth, you are fighting the wrong fight.